
When it Comes to Coverage, You’ve Got Options

Review your coverage options below and discover plans that fit your needs.
Health Insurance

When it comes to health insurance in North Dakota, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Sanford Health Plans are the two providers in town. We will help you figure out what plan works best for you or your family so that you can have affordable, accessible coverage that will still meet all your individual needs.

Group Health Insurance

If you want to provide health insurance for your employees, it can seem daunting to choose between coverage options. We are here to help you put together a package that makes fiscal sense for your business while providing maximum coverage to your employees.

Life Insurance

No one wants to think about life insurance, but there are many options available that would protect your family should the unexpected happen. It’s hard to put a price tag on that kind of peace of mind, but it’s very accessible and worthwhile to have a policy that protects you.

Handsome male patient looking at his beautiful smile sitting at the dental office
Dental and Vision

Dental and vision are excellent options for your employee benefits package. Have the peace of mind that your next dental cleaning, toothache, or pair of glasses is covered.

Supplemental Insurance

Supplemental insurance can be a game-changer when the unexpected happens. These policies pay out cash for injuries and illnesses. You can use this cash to help pay for your everyday expenses like bills, rent, and car payments or even to help cover your health insurance deductible. You have options such as:

  • Accident Policy: This pays out cash to help cover personal injuries and the financial burden of sudden injury.
  • Cancer Policy: Pays cash to help cover the treatment and financial distress anyone faces when receiving a cancer diagnosis.
  • Critical Care Policy: A heart attack or stroke can knock you out of work suddenly and sometimes indefinitely. With a critical care policy, you’ll receive financial assistance for your hardship and treatment.
  • Disability Insurance: If the unforeseen causes you to miss work, a portion of your income is supplemented with disability insurance, giving you peace of mind.